The GSSB Bulletin

 Members of the Genealogical Society of South Brevard receive the Bulletin by email, currently issued as a "PDF" attachment. Here is a sample of the Table of Contents from one of our latest Bulletins.  
The Bulletin is a quarterly publication featuring articles of genealogical and historical interest. It provides a variety of how-to and resource rich information to genealogists of the GSSB. Members often donate stories and photos for publication, finding it an excellent forum to publish their family stories or other topics of interest. The Bulletin also highlights society news, activities, programs, and notable people. 
Current and back issues of The Bulletin can be downloaded by members from the website.
You can renew your membership or become a new member to receive the GSSB Bulletin by clicking here.
The Nitty Gritty Stuff
Bulletin Notice:  The Bulletin is a "non-commercial" publication of the GSSB, a non-profit organization. The GSSB does not sell the Bulletin since subscription is a benefit of membership, however, individual copies of historical out-of-print or outdated publications (over one year old) can be requested from our archives. The society reserves the right to charge a small copying/handling or distribution fee for this service.  Please email your requests to obtain more information. There will be no charge to members for this service.
Any information contained in this publication is intended for the sole personal, non-commercial use of the recipient(s) (members only). Any unauthorized use, review, disclosure or distribution of this publication in its entirety, in part, or in aggregate/bulk forms is prohibited by the Society.  
Submissions:  Requests to publish articles or information of genealogical interest to the members of the GSSB can be forwarded by email to the current editor. Information or ideas for publishable material can be attached or included in the body of an email or provided in "print copy." The name of the submitter should minimally be included for crediting. Submissions may require editing for space, spelling, structure, etc. (but not subject content). Submitted materials are credited as needed to identify the author, owner, or source, although the final publication remains the property of the GSSB. 
Copyright:  We review all submitted material with the intent to comply with copyright laws. The submitter remains solely responsible for the content of the material and is required to ensure submissions do not infringe upon the creative rights of others. Submitters must obtain necessary permissions and provide credit for copyrighted material within their submission to be included in the GSSB Bulletin. The copyright to any submitted works remains with the submitter. The final Bulletin publication containing submissions is the property of the society, which may be used within any of our media distributions.